
official installation instructions

typo in instructions

There is a typo in the instructions about how to add the pleroma class to login.conf (needs a closing : ).


remove world read access from generated config files

chmod o-r config/prod.secret.exs
chmod o-r config/generated_config.exs

enable gopher

enable ssh

Open mix.exs, search for esshd, and change :enabled from false to true.

Open prod.secret.exs and add the following:

ssh config

app_dir = File.cwd!
priv_dir = Path.join([app_dir, "priv/ssh_keys"])

config :esshd,
	enabled: true,
	priv_dir: priv_dir,
	handler: "Pleroma.BBS.Handler",
	port: 10_022,
	password_authenticator: "Pleroma.BBS.Authenticator"

Restart the instance and enjoy.

enable tor

Official pleroma tor instructions

Install tor, then add a hidden service to /etc/tor/torrc.

These instructions say to disable http_security in the pleroma config by adding the following to config/prod.secret.exs:

config :pleroma, :http_security, enabled: false

Pleroma gives a huge warning if these are disabled; however my understanding is that they pertain to the CSP and STS headers, which are configured for clearnet traffic in /etc/relayd.conf.